Kerry joined Western Sydney University in July 2011 and is the Chief Information and Digital Officer. He has university-wide responsibility for Digital Strategy and Innovation, Solutions and Project Services, IT Operations, Digital Security and Risk, Service Delivery Improvement and frontline Academic and Campus-based support. Kerry is also a member of the University Executive.
Kerry is the Secretary of CAUDIT (Council of Australian University Directors of IT) and has led the NSW Chapter (NAUDIT) for four years.
From 2007 until 2011 he was the CIO for what is now called the NSW Department of Family and Community Services. Previously, he was the Australian CIO for Digital Equipment Corporation (1996-1998), Compaq Computers (1998-2002) and Hewlett-Packard (2002-2006). This provided him with invaluable insights into the technology sector, the operation of large commercial businesses, and the impacts of technology enabled disruption on both consumer expectations and corporate strategy. After six years in the University sector, he was recently recognised as one of the “Top 10” most effective and innovative CIOs in Australia by CIO Magazine.